产品名称: CBJH系列防爆接线盒
Can be used in Zone 20 zone 21 and Zone 22 dangerous places.
产品特点 Features
进出线口有多种方式及规格. 进出线口螺纹可特制.
The shell is of diecasted AI-alloy with plastic sprayed surface.
Inlet or outlet has many kinds of modes and secifications
Thread specification can be specailly designed.
Sitable for GB12476,IEC1241 standard request.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
CBJH51 系列隔爆型接线盒代号,外表及名称一览表达式
CBJH51 Series flame-proof jjunction box code,outline and descriptions as the follewing table.
A 一通平 1 entry in borizon F 一通吊 1 entry hung type
B 直通平 2 direct entries in horizon G 直二通吊 2 direct entries hung type
C 三通平 3 entries in horizon H 三通吊 3 entries hung type
D 四通平 4 entries in horizon I 四通吊 4 entries hung type
E 直角二通平 2 perpendicular entries,in horizon J 直角二通吊 2 perpendicular entries hung type
注:1、"O"表示平盖,"◎"表示吊盖。 Note:1、"O"horzontal cover,"◎"hung cover.
2、在正常情况下,吊盖与通头同口径,如特 2、 Generally the diameter of entry is equal to that of 殊要求可特制。 hung cover hole.special requirement can be available.
3、通头一般为圆柱管螺纹G1/2"、G3/4"、G1" 3、The entry is often made as pipe thread G1/2"、G3/4"、 如特殊要求可特制。 G1"、also special requirement can be made.
标注举例: For Example:
1、CBJH-DIP3/4B含义:CBJH-DIP隔爆型接线盒, 1、CBJH-DIP3/4B:CBJH-DIP means explosion-proof junction box
管螺纹为G3/4"直二通平盖。 pipe thread G3/4",2direct entries with horizontal cover
2、CBJH-DIP1/2J含义:CBJH-DIP隔爆型接线盒, 2、CBJG-DIP1/2J:CBJH-DIP means explosion-proof junction box
管螺纹为G1/2"直通二通吊盖. G1/2"2perpendicular entries with hung cover.
额定电压(V)Rated voltage 380
额定电流(A)Rated current 20
防爆标志 Ex-mark DIPA20
管螺纹规格(G") Pipe thread specification TA,T6 1/2 3/4 1
防护等级 Protection grade IP65
外形及安装举例 Outline and example
电缆外径(Φ,mm)Cable’s outer diameter
Pipe thread A B C D
6-10 1/2 166 108 104 68
8-14 3/4 168 108 105 68
12-17 1 170 108 105 68